Lana Snyder has always dreamt of raising a family with her husband, Steve. As early as her 20<sup>th birthday, when she first saw him, Lana already had a vision on having kids with Steve.
"I just had this flash in my mind," she said. "There was this little girl standing in front of me and she was reaching up to me saying 'Mommy.' And off to the side, there was another baby, and just instantly I recognised and knew that God was showing me, 'This is your husband; these are your children'," Lana told the Christian Broadcasting Network.
Lana faced a test of her faith when she found out later on that she has a double uterus, which makes her unable to bear children. "Even as a very young person, all I really wanted was to be married and I wanted to have children someday, so that was hard for me to hear," she shared.
Steve, too, has problems of his own. When he was nine, he underwent aggressive chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant to cure his acute aplastic anemia, which made his chances of bearing children very slim to none.
After they got married in 2008, Lana and Steve already decided to adopt.
"You kind of transition into acceptance, to a certain degree, and I had done that," Steve said. "I had put it off to the side, like 'If this is not going to be part of my life, then I'll just put it off to the side and I'm not going to worry about it anymore.'"
However, three months later, Lana found out she was pregnant.
"I just ran out of ran out of the room and I knew Steve could tell from a mile away that I was happy about something. He was just smiling and I jumped into his arms and said, 'We're gonna have a baby!'" she said.
Now, their daughter, Sarah, is about to turn six, and the couple continues to be thankful to God for this miracle.
"It was just incredible. I just couldn't stop crying. I was just in disbelief. I just kept looking at her and thinking 'God you are so good.' I couldn't believe she was here. Our little princess, our little Sarah, had been born, and God was worthy of my trust and my complete faith and praise," Lana said.