Christian rock star Trey Pearson has been speaking about the reaction to his decision to announce that he is gay.
The frontman of Everyday Sunday wrote a letter to fans last month in which he said that he had wrestled with the idea of being open about his sexuality.
Now, he says he's been amazed at the generally positive reaction – especially from others in the Christian music scene. "A lot of the bigger names in the Christian music industry have been texting me this week, telling me how proud they are of me and how much they love me," he said.
Pearson has also reflected on the ending of his marriage to wife Lauren. He explained the situation saying, "We filed for dissolution. We're best friends. We share the kids every other week. We hang out every week. We eat dinner together as a family at least once a week. She's my biggest supporter."
Everyday Sunday now mainly consists of Pearson as the only permanent member. It's generally thought the band will move away from being a solely Christian group. But Pearson insists he isn't losing his faith; in fact the opposite is true. He says, "Over the last several years, I've progressed in my understanding of scripture in context and history, and it's really deepened my faith. It's made me more in love with Jesus, and more in love with the scriptures, because all of a sudden it made more sense."