Christians face 'great danger of deception' from faith leaders who have turned their 'church into social club'

Dr. F. Dean Hackett says the ‘new truths’ being spread by some faith leaders will not bring about a ‘Great Society’ but create a ‘Brave New World’ filled with ‘greater hatred, bigotry and a moral landslide.’ (F. Dean Hackett - Foundational)

The "great danger of deception" is upon us, no thanks to supposed religious leaders who have turned the "church into a social club embracing political correctness and historical rewrite."

The warning comes from Dr. F. Dean Hackett, who has served in full-time Christian ministry since 1971 and who has ministered throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe, serving as pastor, conference speaker and mentor.

Writing for Charisma News, Hackett laments that sadly many professors, pastors and church leaders have accepted deception over truth.

He says these are the people who contend that many of the things written in the Holy Bible are inaccurate and that many of the principles written there are cultural ethics that belong to ancient times and are no longer relevant.

Thus, "the creation story is replaced with theistic evolution, opening the way for the devaluing of human life. Mankind is not a special creation made in the image of a loving heavenly Creator but the product of spontaneous generation. The principles of divine design, purpose and destiny are removed, and every person has the right of self-determination," Hackett writes.

This thinking "opens the gateway for women to discard unexpected fetal tissue to protect their future and career from unwanted encumbrance. A woman has the right to determine what happens within her own body. Couples may enjoy 'hooking up' and living together without the demands of outmoded marriage ceremonies. A man might be born with the desires and passions of a woman and seek relations with another man. A woman may have desires for another woman. Sexual orientation is no longer a divinely prescribed moral standard," he continues.

When these revolutionary changes are questioned and opposed by genuine Christian leaders, the deceivers resort to "sociology, psychology and junk science" to ensure "enough disinformation" to confuse the people, he says.

This way, pastors and teachers who preach the "new truth" avoid being labelled intolerant, homophobic and bigoted.

However, Hackett says these "new truths" will not bring about a "Great Society" but create a "Brave New World" filled with "greater hatred, bigotry and a moral landslide."

"These 'new truths,' and their accompanying freedoms, become addictions and bring new forms of sickness, creating a broken society that mankind cannot cure. The social epidemic quickly becomes pandemic and will become a moral tsunami of proportions not seen since the Roman Empire," he says.

Hackett squarely blames the church for helping make this possible. "Authentic worship is being replaced with performance and very professional music. Entertainment is being delivered instead of powerful spiritual awakening," he says.

The great danger is that Christians are left unaware that they are being deceived by their very own faith leaders who, Hackett says, are actually "ungodly men, who pervert the grace of our God into immorality and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ" (Jude 3-4).

Hackett says he can only pray that God "move the heart of spiritual leaders to seek Him earnestly; commit their hearts to love and honor the infallible inerrant Word of God; then boldly teach, preach and publish the uncompromised Holy Word with anointing that will convict and purify the hearts of men and women."

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