A Republican official in Virginia lumped atheists and Islamic radicals as common enemies of Christians as he proposed a resolution encouraging residents to pray amid threats from both groups.
"These days of an enemy from outside of this country (Islamic radicals), as well as people from within (atheists), who would attempt to remove all recognition of God from public life, we offer this proclamation as a reminder that the United States has always acknowledged our nation ... is dependent on God's grace and providence," said Wayne Hazzard, chairman of the Hanover County Board of Supervisor, during a meeting last Tuesday, two days before Thanksgiving, according to Raw Story and the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
He added, "As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I think it appropriate that we continue to remember the reason why this great nation was formed and by whose grace it continues to survive. Christians who formed our nation celebrated days of thanksgiving to God. The Jamestown and Plymouth colonists recognised that they were sustained only by God's providence and celebrated Thanksgiving feasts."
The board then adopted a resolution to "urge and encourage the citizens of the County of Hanover, Virginia, to include prayer in their Thanksgiving celebrations."
Hazzard said U.S. Presidents George Washington, John Adams and James Madison issued proclamations calling for the young nation to unite in expressions of gratitude to God and that each president since Abraham Lincoln in 1863 has issued national Thanksgiving proclamations.
The American Civil Liberties Union in Virginia quickly reacted, saying the resolution violates the U.S. Constitution.
"Government action encouraging prayer is antithetical to the letter and spirit of the Constitution of the United States," said Claire Guthrie Gastañaga, executive director of the ACLU of Virginia. "Our freedom of religion depends at its foundation on the fact that our Constitution ensures that America has no government-sponsored religion."
The Board of Supervisors "makes decisions on rezoning and other land use matters, passes ordinances, formulates policies, sets the annual County budget and, in general, directs the county government."