Christians who don't vote for Trump will 'stand accountable before God', says Paula White

Donald Trump with pastor Paula White (Facebook/Paula White)

Televangelist Paula White has suggested that Christians who don't get behind Donald Trump in the next election will be answerable to God.

The controversial spiritual adviser to the US President said in an appearance on "The Jim Bakker Show" that Christians need to ask themselves where they "line up" on policies and examine what God says in the Bible. 

White, who was on the show to talk about her new book, "Something Greater", said that there was spiritual warfare going on in the US "to try to take this nation" and that people were targeting Trump "because of what he's standing for".

Many Americans, even evangelicals who make up one of his key supporter groups, hold a dim view of Trump's character, but White told people to look at the policy more than the personality.

"It's gonna either make you stand and lets you have to look in the Word and say what does God say and where do I line up. Where do I line up on policy?" she said.

"I might not like the personality, I might not understand him. Get my book and you'll understand the personality and you'll understand the person, Ok? Not just the persona.

"Where do I line up? And you're gonna have to make a decision that won't be just held accountable here for how things turn out for you, your children, your grandchildren, but you're gonna have to stand accountable before God one day.

"Not based on your opinion, your hurt, your wounding, what you think, what you don't. Educate yourself. Know the issues, know the word of God, and then if you cannot align with the word of God I don't see it." 

She went on to say that "all hell is trembling right now" because of how the Supreme Court is being changed under Trump's presidency. 

But she also suggested that freedoms were going to be lost in America if Trump is not elected.  

"But I can tell you things in certain states, they've already passed legislation in states that says the Bible is the book of hate speech. It is only a matter of time, those laws are already passed because people are asleep in my opinion," she said. 

She continued: "It is a battle of righteousness and wickedness and it did not start with President Trump. This has been a battle to try to take this nation. If this nation goes down, I'm telling you ... we are the hope to this world because this nation was dedicated with little white crosses that were marked along the beaches down by Virginia Beach and Plymouth that were marked and said we dedicate this land to take the Gospel to the nations and once the Gospel is taken to the nations we usher in the return of the Lord. 

"And so yes, they want this light to go dim in America because if we do not be the beacon of hope to the world and if we do not take the Gospel to the world then there is a darkness.

"But I believe ... we're ushering in a great awakening and we'll see the greatest harvest ever. And they want to fight President Trump because of what he's standing for."

White is a close friend of Trump and credited with bringing him to faith, but she is divisive in the Christian community, having often been accused of being a heretic and prosperity preacher, something she denies.  

Several high profile evangelicals were challenged earlier this month when they endorsed her book. 

Evangelist David Robertson said: "The reason that these pastors have endorsed Paula White's book is because of her support for, and their access to, President Donald Trump. He is seen as 'their' man, if not God's anointed. It would be foolish to deny that God can use Donald Trump. But it is even more foolish to hold him up as the Church's prophet or politician.

"The narcissism, dishonesty, materialism, shallowness and lack of self awareness is something we might expect of Donald Trump but it is not something that should have any part in the Bride of Christ. If the Church does not repent of its sins, then Ichabod (the glory has departed) can be written over her gravestone now." 

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