The people of Zimbabwe have lost all trust in the government of Robert Mugabe, according to the troubled nation's church leaders.
The Zimbabwe Council of Churches, that represents 26 different denominations, says in a statement that Mugabe's government is behaving irresponsibly and calls on it to address the economic crisis.
Zimbabwe is in the grip of growing food and fuel shortages, arousing fears that the crisis of 2007-2008 will be repeated.
The church leaders say: 'Zimbabweans have lost trust that the government is sincere in addressing national problems when they see the government officials choosing to send their children to foreign schools and being treated in foreign hospitals.
'In a situation where there are winding queues at the fuel stations, it is irresponsible for any government official to insinuate that all is well in our nation.
'The government needs to address the general perception that the current shortages are a result of bad economic decisions, corruption, greed and opulent living among those connected to power.'
Mugabe got back from New York on Monday after he was captured on camera apparently 'napping' at a UN General Assembly, and his sons were attacked on social media for spending sprees in New York and Harare. Mugabe has claimed his nation's growing shortages are down to sabotage.
In his own personal protest against the regime, Britain's Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu cut up his clerical collar on live television in 2007, and has said he will not wear one again while Mugabe remains in power.