Church leaders will be taking part in a seminar next month to discuss what a positive vision for Britain might look like after it leaves the European Union.
With Britain set to leave the EU on March 29, Andy Flannagan of Christian Politics said it was vital that churches work together to heal the cultural divide.
He will be bringing church leaders together for the seminar at the Christian Resources Exhibition North in Manchester on Mar 13.
In addition to looking for areas of collaboration, they will also look consider whether the church is in part responsible for the current situation.
'Have we critiqued from the sidelines instead of getting on the political pitch?' said Flannagan.
'Whatever the situation on March 29 we need to move forward positively. We will discuss what role churches can play in bridging the cultural divide and bring communities together again.'
The Archbishop of York, the Most Rev John Sentamu, said it was important that churches have a 'positive discussion' about Britain's future beyond the EU.
'My prayer is that we all find wisdom, courage, integrity and compassion for our political leaders and MPs, for reconciliation and a fresh and uniting vision for everyone,' he said.
Archbishop Sentamu has been holding a daily prayer vigil for Brexit for the past few weeks. He has been saying a special prayer three times a day asking for God's guidance through the current political crisis and is asking others to join in with him.
The prayer reads:
God of eternal love and power, Save our Parliamentary Democracy; Protect the High Court of Parliament and all its members From partiality and prejudice; That they may walk humbly the path of kindness, justice and mercy. Give them wisdom, insight and a concern for the common good. The weight of their calling is too much to bear in their own strength, Therefore we pray earnestly, Father, send them help from your Holy Place, and be their tower of strength. Lord, graciously hear us. Amen.