A Norwich church has launched an appeal to raise £250,000 towards the cost of repairing its windows and improving facilities.
The majority of windows at Christ Church, Eaton in Norwich, are in need of repair and the cost has been estimated at £65,000.
In particular need of repair is the stained glass west window inserted in 1918. The window was designed by Arthur A Orr of Harrow to celebrate the golden wedding of the Norwich industrialist, John Joseph Dawson Paul.
Sponsors will receive a certificate and a book will also be produced with the names of everyone who donated to the appeal.
Other improvements to the church include a new disabled-friendly toilet facility, a new kitchen to serve light refreshments after services and functions, the creation of new social space in the church, and an overhaul of the church organ.
The Vicar of Christ Church, the Reverend Dr Patrick Richmond, said: "I'm so grateful to all those who have put together this campaign, and to those who have already made significant pledges.
"Having spent all our reserves last year repairing the flint work, roof and guttering, we need our community to help save the windows, which are literally buckling under their own weight.
"I'm hopeful that many will want to be a pane when it comes to their local church."
To donate, visit http://www.eatonparish.com/CCEpages/fundraising.htm