Conor McGregor is undoubtedly one of the top stars in the UFC right now and he is likely to rack in additional big numbers as he moves along.
McGregor has been known to use his mouth to hype himself and the fight/s he would find himself in and from the looks of it, he will continue to do so with his new goal — break the revenue numbers that the Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao fight achieved last May via Press Telegraph.
So in short, McGregor wants to be the top pay-per-view (PPV) star there is, but breaking a $72 million revenue could be a long climb even for the Irishman.
Even though his 13-second fight with Jose Aldo racked in $10.1 million in gate receipts, it remains that he will need a whole lot more than himself to reach that big payday which Mayweather and Pacquiao had.
But the thing is, McGregor is only 27 years old and Mayweather and Pacquiao achieved that in their 40s. So if one does the math and McGregor properly works his way through that with a worthy adversary as well, the Notorious has a good chance of achieving that goal.
The adrenalin and confidence flowing in McGregor is understandable. He has garnered quite a following and is one reason why the UFC has been making a lot of noise lately.
Reaching that level, however, will have a lot of ifs and buts. One is his health and the other is his potential rival.
Right now, Aldo may have to work his way back to be that guy. In the eyes of the UFC, it could be Frankie Edgar.
Then again, it could be anyone else. That person may not be among the ones rising in the mix right now, so McGregor's chief rival could still be on his way up the ranks.