Council Axes Free Transport for Church School Pupils

Council leaders have introduced new controversial fees to church school pupils travelling to school in West Sussex.

Commencing in September 2008, new students at the county's Church of England and Catholic schools will be charged a fee each term to cover their travelling costs. The scheduled plans will see a £90 fee imposed on each child travelling to the church schools.

Approximately one in four parents currently living in the area send their children to schools outside their regular "catchment" region, meaning that they have to meet the extra travelling costs themselves, whereas parents that send their children to church schools receive the privilege of free travel.

It is estimated that £860,000 was spent in 2006 in organising travel for the 1,900 church school pupils, say West Sussex County Council, which equates to about £450 per child - billed to the taxpayer.

Councillor Mark Dunn said: "I have been made very aware of the range of strong feelings on this issue, both for and against any changes.

"However, this change is necessary to ensure that we are providing a fair system for all concerned whilst continuing to make provision for children to attend church schools some way from their homes."

According to Brighton-based newspaper, The Argus, Dunn said, "At the same time the county council has been put under pressure to find ways to ensure that its budgets are used cost-effectively at a time of poor grant settlements from government.

He concluded: "I recognise and value the significant contribution that church schools make to the education of children in West Sussex and every effort will be made to ensure that these changes are introduced as smoothly as possible."

The council did verify that families on low incomes would continue to receive free transport.
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