Everyone's favorite crime-fighting blind lawyer might encounter his greatest test yet in "Daredevil" season 3. What can fans expect in the next season?
The Man Without Fear (Charlie Cox) will see himself battling darker themes in season 3. First and foremost, he will likely have a reunion with his mother, Maggie. Her presence was teased in the final scene of "The Defenders." In comic book lore, his relationship with his mother is a central theme in the Born Again storyline, Screen Rant reported.
It's also speculated that Daredevil will face a new and formidable foe next season: Sin-Eater. This major development was hinted in a character description that states the show is casting for Steve, a character who is an "athletic but socially awkward FBI agent" that needs "to suppress the darkness inside himself."
In the comics, Stanley Carter was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who agreed to an experiment that would increase both his strength and stamina. However, he became violent and eventually resigned from his post. He became a detective for the NYPD, but after his partner was killed in action, he became Sin-Eater — a villain who murders anyone he deems is a sinner, CBR noted.
The description of a "hair-trigger temper" could very well point to the appearance of Sin-Eater in the series. However, there is a question whether Marvel has the rights to Sin-Eater. Kingpin (Vincent D'Onofrio) was a Spider-Man original, just like Sin-Eater, but he eventually made it to the show.
But this is pure speculation, for now. There is no definite news of who the main villain of "Daredevil" season 3 will be at this point. But if rumors from "The Defenders" are true, then the third season will take elements from Born Again arc where Kingpin learns Daredevil's identity and systematically destroys him. Sin-Eater, then, could be a secondary villain in the series.
A premiere date for "Daredevil" season 3 has yet to be announced.