Demonic activity running rampant in Christian homes and churches, says healing evangelist

A priest performs an exorcism rite. Reuters

Demons are active in Christian homes and churches, and the problem needs to be tackled openly "so that God's people can be delivered and set free."

The statement comes from Becky Dvorak, a prophetic healing evangelist.

Writing for Charisma News, Dvorak testifies that she has met demon-oppressed and demon-possessed Christians many times, "especially in these times that we are living in today."

She says demonic possession is not a popular subject. "It's like hanging our dirty laundry out for everyone to see," Dvorak says, adding that this is the reason why "Christians are hurting needlessly."

To properly address this problem, she says the "darkness lurking among the body of Christ" needs to be exposed.

She recalls an incident when she was ministering in Malawi, East Africa. "During a healing campaign, a demon-possessed lady came to me on bended knee. I reached out to touch her when all of a sudden the demonic spirits within her began to scream obscenities at me," she writes.

"I rapidly sized up the situation, activated my authority in Christ and commanded these demons to be silenced in Jesus' name. I started to quote from the Bible scriptures of the future destination of Satan and his demons. The demons pleaded with me to stop and allow them to stay. I said no, and within minutes this woman was set free," Dvorak says.

The healing evangelist cites three verses that torment the demons:

Matt. 25:41, MEV – "Then He will say to those at the left hand, 'Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."

Jude 6 – "Likewise, the angels who did not keep to their first domain, but forsook their own dwelling, He has kept in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day."

2 Pet. 2:4 – "For if God did not spare the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be kept for judgment."

Dvorak admits that she also came "under great physical attack" but she found a way to rid herself of this sickness by renouncing the "spirit of death that was over my body."

She advises Christians who "just can't seem to get free from death, sickness and disease" to lay their hand on their body and "renounce the spirit of death coming against you with the authority that comes from the active blood of Jesus Christ."

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