The voice of God prevented this Muslim man from taking his own life out of sheer desperation.
Burdened with a mountain of problems, Sameer was about to bid goodbye to his cruel world somewhere in the Middle East and was already on top of a tree with a rope in hand ready to hang himself when he heard the voice of Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast preaching through a loudspeaker, according to God Reports.
It so happened that the pastor was talking about a man who is ready to commit suicide.
"O the man who is going to commit suicide, you don't have to die, for our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and died for you and will grant you peace and life. He died as a ransom for your sins and was raised from the dead to glorify you as His child. If you believe in Jesus you will be saved from sin, iniquities and all of your problems," Pastor Paul said.
The message struck Sameer's heart, and he decided to climb down the tree and walk towards the place where the pastor was preaching.
When the congregants saw Sameer approaching Pastor Paul with a rope in his hand, they were frightened. They knew him as a fanatic Muslim, a drug user and an alcoholic. Thinking that he was about to attack the pastor, some of the men tried to grab Sameer, who is his late 20s.
But Pastor Paul told the men to let the man come to him.
Sameer then told the preacher his multitude of problems, including his depression, insomnia and personal problems with his family. He said he had been praying to Allah to help him deal with his problems but to no avail.
He also said he was about to kill himself when he heard Pastor Paul's voice, which made him reconsider his suicide plan. He then asked for prayers.
Pastor Paul mercifully obliged. With other pastors joining him, they put their hands on Sameer's head and prayed.
As the pastors prayed, Sameer had a vision of Jesus who told him, "You are my child. I have marked you upon my palms as your Savior. Be my witness."
The Muslim fanatic then cried out: "Lord I accept you as my Savior! I will be your witness!"
Within days Sameer was baptised. Now he is witnessing for his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as an evangelist with Bibles for Mideast.