Another problem has plagued "Destiny 2," as one of the newest returning consumable additions called the Three of Coins may actually be bugged.
A few days of being implemented into the game was enough for players to assume that the feature has a problem and may not be working properly. Three of Coins was supposed to give players a four-hour buff which should give them increased exotic engram drops after killing a boss or some other activities for the duration of the buff. This, however, was not happening, according to a lot of players.
The development team for "Destiny 2" is currently investigating the matter after numerous reports of disappointing effects have been sent by the disgruntled players. As of now though, there is no known or practical way to determine whether the Three of Coins is bugged or simply working as intended. However, at the rate at which players are rewarded, it may well be the former. Otherwise, it can easily be improved in a hotfix or future updates.
Still, players are advised to conserve their existing Three of Coins tokens for the time being until the investigations are complete or a solution has been implemented. Game Rant assumes that each Three of Coins consumable's purpose is to give players at least one exotic engram per use. However, the common phenomena surrounding Three of Coins right now is that players never get to see an exotic drop even after exhausting the four-hour duration of the consumable.
Meanwhile, players who are planning to purchase Three of Coins consumables are also advised to just conserve their 31 legendary shards required for each. This is because the Three of Coins offers no discernible benefit despite its promised reward and its significant price.
For now, players of "Destiny 2" will have to farm for exotics the good old fashioned way without boosters, which in itself can be tedious already. They are also advised to wait for further announcements from Bungie, the developers of the game.