Did Clergyman Avoid Shaking Donald Trump's Hand During Inauguration Day Prayer Service?

An unnamed black clergyman (centre) is seen passing by U.S. President Donald Trump during the inaugural prayer service at Washington National Cathedral on Jan. 21, 2017. (Screenshot/ABC News video)

Did a black clergyman really refuse to shake President Donald Trump's hand a day after his inauguration?

A video showing this purported snub has gone viral, according to the International Business Times. In the video, Trump is shown participating in Saturday's inaugural prayer service at Washington National Cathedral. Several clergymen troop to the aisle, each of them shaking hands with the President. However, one of them switches the sceptre he is holding from his left to his right hand, then walks by Trump without a second look.

After watching the video, people formed their own views regarding what happened. Some thought that the clergyman intentionally snubbed Trump. A netizen named Tien Ha commented, "At first I thought Trump didn't want to shake the black man's hand, but upon further inspection, it was the other way around. He shifted whatever he was holding to his other hand. Wow people, have some respect for your President."

Earl Scott David added, "The truth is the truth, and it's the brother who refused to shake Trump's hand. [H]e may have had a valid reason. [A]ll of the negative things that Trump has been saying in terms of black people and people of other races could be his reason."

However, some thought that the black clergyman held no ill will. Annette Peters Wilson said, "If you will watch at the very beginning of the clip, you will see a white man dressed exactly the same as the black man you are referring to. He carried the staff on his right side, too and did not shake hands either."

Noemi Ascencio was inclined to agree, urging people to watch the video again. "Calm down!!! The first white man wearing the same color suit as the black guy didn't shake his hand either. [I]t's just probably procedure. Not everything is racial. Chill."

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