The question on whether or not Christian divorcees have the right to remarry is something that church leaders have a difficult time answering, especially since many people tend to hold strong opposing views regarding it.
"Many great Bible teachers are divided on this issue. Some believe that re-marriage to another is never allowed unless one of the spouses dies, but others suggest that it is permissible when adultery and abandonment occur," Pastor Shane Idleman wrote in an article for the Christian Post.
In Idleman's opinion though, only God can truly answer the question. He then cited the Bible verse Matthew 5:32 where Jesus says, "But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery."
Idleman said the true issue here is not really remarriage, but actually manipulation and abandonment. The verse warns people not to divorce without cause, and not to pursue a relationship with anyone who has abandoned his spouse.
"One thing is certain, if the Scriptures on marriage and divorce were fully taught and acknowledged, it would create more serious consideration before marriage, and would be a great deterrent to divorce. Lack of regard for the Scriptures has taken us to the other extreme — no fault divorce," he noted.
Idleman stressed that God hates divorce but loves reconciliation. He personally believes that there are certain instances when a spouse is "released" through adultery or abandonment, but still, reconciliation should always be sought, since it is what God wants.
"God has given us the freedom to choose, and, in marriage, the choices of one will affect the life of the other. If your spouse has left, and you've waited and have done all that you can do biblically, I believe that God will consider your heart more than your circumstances," he said.
Idleman even said that sometimes God uses divorce to bring people back to Him, sort of like bringing a prodigal son home. This is why people should be mindful of the decisions they make during "detours of life" that serve to strengthen one's relationship with Jesus, and not destroy it, the pastor said.
"Divorce is not the unpardonable sin; rejecting Christ is," he explained.