The Time Lord is back, and so is Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor on "Doctor Who" season 10. Unfortunately for his fans, it may be the last time he is taking control of the TARDIS.
Telegraph spoke with the people involved in BBC's "Dcotor Who" — Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi and showrunner Steven Moffat. The two dished some really interesting things about the science fiction series, but perhaps Capaldi's one statement was one of the most controversial.
"This could be my final year – it's terrifying. I love 'Doctor Who' but it can be quite an insular world and I do want to do other things. There will come a time when this is over. But I knew that when I started. I was thinking about my regeneration scene from the outset. That's my terrible melancholic nature. When you accept the job you know there'll come a day, inevitably, when you'll be saying goodbye," the 57-year old Scottish actor said.
Though that remains as a speculation on the actor's part at the moment, his guess could not be too far off. After all, the two Doctors before him only had three seasons each as well. For instance, David Tennant spent time as the Tenth Doctor from seasons 2 to 4, and Matt Smith as Eleventh Doctor from seasons 5 to 7.
While that is indeed sad news for Capaldi's fans, they can at least rejoice at the fact that he is confirmed for a third season. His companion for the past two seasons (and also Smith's in season 7), Jenna Coleman, will no longer be in season 10. Her character, Clara Oswald, had a very heatbreaking death in episode 10 of the just-wrapped season.
But if one companion is out, another is making a comeback — at least for this year's Christmas special. Alex Kingston is back for what Moffat calls as "the most Christmassy Doctor Who ever."
She will once again portray River Song in the episode titled "The Husbands of River Song." Kingston told The Guardian that she is happy to have done the episode as she "didn't expect to be back."
So far, though, there's still no word as to who will be the new companion on "Doctor Who" season 10. Stay tuned for updates.