After the bomb attacks in Spain a week ago, the prophecy saying London will be the next target has been widely spread across Europe. No one can tell if it is true, but it is obvious that now London is in high alert, preparing hard for the doom-laden, undeclared battle.
A best-selling author and end-times expert, Dr. Hal Lindsey, who is specialized in Muslim-Christian conflicts, has also spoken about the warning recently. Lindsey says Europeans do have a reason to be concerned, because Muslims is trying to make England the first Islamic country outside the Middle East.
Lindsey recently published a book called "The Everlasting Hatred: the Roots of Jihad", which chronicles the centuries-old desire of Muslims to destroy God's people. The author says jihadists have infiltrated Europe, resulting in growing anti-Semitism there.
"It is appalling; observers see anti-Semitism has reached the same levels it had in Germany during the rise of the Nazi Party before World War II," Lindsey was alarmed.
Even in France there is an ongoing effort to stem the tide of Islamic influence, like Jacques Chirac, the president of France, has passed a law that the Islamic girls cannot wear their Muslim headdress to school.
France was on the alert last night after newspapers received a letter from an Islamist group warning that the country would be "plunged into terror" unless a ban on Muslim children wearing veils in schools was withdrawn. It called the ban a "declaration of war to the Muslim world".
"I don't think the Islam will take over Europe," Lindsey added in faith.

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