Former Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson reminded people during a gathering of prominent Christian conservatives on Saturday night that people are all equal in God's eyes, pointing out that Jesus Christ died also for the sins of gays and lesbians.
In his keynote speech during the "Road To Majority" conference gala dinner, Carson encouraged Christians to "stand up for the word of God," according to The Christian Post.
Society today has become more accepting of LGBT practices, and this is why Christians need to let their voices be heard regarding gay marriage, Carson said. He said he strongly believes Christians must stand firm on their beliefs by defending the Constitution, which is currently being manipulated by LGBT activists and their supporters.
He said these LGBT activists are actually fighting for "extra rights" and not "equal rights" when they demand transgender bathrooms in public places.
However, even though Christians do not agree with everything the LGBT community does, Carson told them not to spread hatred by shaming or name-calling LGBT people.
"I personally believe that many people in the LGBT community don't feel comfortable with what they are doing, and that is why it is so important for them to get affirmation from everybody else, and that is why they try to enforce everybody else to accept them and to say that this is what needs to be done," Carson explained. "But there comes a time when people of faith have to be able to stand up for the Word of God."
At the same time, Carson noted that many Americans have lost their trust in God, and this is why society has become intolerant of Christians. "The President says that we are not a Christian nation," the former neurosurgeon said. "[But] he doesn't get to decide. We get to decide what kind of nation this is. It means that we get to define our values and our principles."