Dr. Michael Brown has this advice to people accusing anti-gay Christians of causing the Orlando massacre

Michael L. Brown says, 'My message is that we are all sinners in need of God's mercy and transformation.' (Facebook/Michael L. Brown)

Christians have come under attack following Sunday's mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, that left 50 people dead. Because some Christians don't approve of LGBT lifestyles, people were quick to blame them for the tragedy.

Dr. Michael Brown, radio talk show host of the "Line of Fire" programme, is one of those Christians on the receiving end of hateful criticism. A woman wrote on his Facebook page, "I blame YOU and people like you for the tragedy in Orlando. As of now, [49] people are dead, 53 injured, including at least one police officer, due to homophobia. And you, and your ilk spreading your messages of hate daily directly contribute to senseless tragedies like this. SHAME ON YOU!"

A gay activist also posted a comment on Brown's website: "You helped cause this massacre. Your anti-LGBTQ theology assisted in helping others, including the Orlando shooter, in seeing each of our precious LGBTQ lives as dispensable and worthy of death."

Instead of responding in kind, Brown calmly urged Christian haters to turn to Jesus Christ.

"It is Jesus, not religion, that you need," he wrote in an article for Charisma News. "Maybe you were raised in the church and have issues with 'organized religion.' Maybe you have been hurt by professing Christians or believe that we're all hypocrites."

Whatever the case might be, Brown said Jesus will never hurt them. He also said that Jesus is not a hypocrite. Just as long as people call out to Him from the depths of their pain and despair, He will definitely come to save them and forgive them.

"My message is that we are all sinners in need of God's mercy and transformation, and you can pray what all of us prayed: 'God, I confess to you that I'm a sinner in need of forgiveness, and I cry out to you to forgive me and give me a brand-new life,'" Brown said.

Brown assured people that God will hear their cries and He will love them in a way no one else can. "It is true that He calls for the complete surrender of our lives to Him, but when we take the plunge, holding nothing back, we discover the very meaning of life itself," he said.

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