"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson does not have nice things to say to the media outlets that have been accusing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of being a "fascist."
Speaking to Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon, Robertson says he believes these outlets are actually being moved by evil forces. "Satan controls our news media, Satan controls our institutions of higher learning, and he controls what goes on in Hollywood... They will label people like Trump what they are," he says.
"There [are] two great powers at work. There's good—that's God—and [there's] evil. You have the larger portion [that is] controlled by the evil one," he says.
During the same interview, Robertson also talks about his new film "Torchbearer," which explores the negative effects on society when Western civilisation continues to push God away.
Robertson says America is currently in a "spiritual crisis, no doubt about that."
He offers a solution that Trump did not mention during his acceptance speech at the party's nomination last Thursday.
"It's more of a spiritual fix than it is a political one, in my opinion," Robertson says. "Therefore, we can pray for our country, but the last thing we want to do is sit at home. We have to get rid of this politically correct crap and go back to biblical correctness."
"There is no downside to loving God and loving your neighbour, for crying out loud. I wish we would just try keeping two of God's laws: don't murder and don't steal. It's two of the top 10. I wonder if we just kept those two, would life be better? What do you think?" he asks.
Robertson's son Willie has supported Trump from the very beginning. Phil initially endorsed Trump's opponent Ted Cruz for the White House, but after Cruz withdrew from the race, Phil joined his son in supporting Trump.