"Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson cannot understand why some people still refuse to believe in the existence of God even though they acknowledge Him every time they use the calendar.
"It is 2,016 years since Jesus showed up, right?" he said during the Western Conservative Summit, according to Daily Politics. "So don't tell me He wasn't here. By the way, if your calendar is dated of all the human beings who have ever walked on the Earth, and your calendar is dedicated and predicated to just one of [them], evidently something rather large went down back then."
Robertson says people who "don't believe in this Jesus stuff" are hypocrites because they are counting on 2,016 years. "Well, you're counting time by Him, dude. Face it!" he said, addressing atheists.
During the summit, the outspoken reality star also blasted the LGBT community, linking the alleged murders of 160,000 U.S. citizens during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to the Supreme Court's 2015 decision to legalise gay marriage.
"At the time of those two wars over the last 13, 14 years, you see going on right here in America, 160,000 were murdered," he said. "Sounds like we got a bigger war going on here than over there. Well, who's behind it?"
Robertson said, "When you allow men to determine... what's right and what's wrong, you get decisions like the five judges saying, 'I may not know we have 7,000 years of history of men marrying women. A male and a female. For that reason, they'll leave their father and mother and cleave to one and other and become one flesh. I know it's been that way for 7,000 years, but we know best for what's everyone.'"
When Variety sought a comment from A&E regarding Robertson's statements, the spokesperson refused to provide any.