Here are his suggestions:
1. As a local church or group of churches (perhaps as a Deanery), make an appointment to meet your local MP and ask how the church can support them in serving their local communities. Tell your MP what the church is doing to serve people locally and think of ways in which the church can partner in campaigns and projects
2. Tell your MP that you would like to pray for them and ask them if there is anything specific for which, they would like you to pray. Make your MP a regular subject of prayer
3. Invite them to the annual National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast in Parliament (25 June 2013) and sit with them at table. The breakfast is for all denominations and is a key opportunity to communicate the relevance of the Christian faith to all parliamentarians - see http://www.nationalprayerbreakfast.org.uk
4. Visit http://www.christiansinparliament.org.uk for more information on Christians in Parliament. They would love to hear from those who have been in contact with their MP or are coming to the Prayer Breakfast. Contact them via christiansinparliament@gmail.com