The Archbishop of York has said London's "metropolitan elite" are wrong to look down on other parts of England and English patriotism.
Writing in The Telegraph, Archbishop Stephen Cottrell said many English felt "patronised" and their patriotism dismissed as "backwardly xenophobic".
He suggested that the nation embrace "an expansive vision of what it means to be English" as he warned that national unity was "more fractured" than ever.
"Many English people feel left behind by metropolitan elites in London and the South East, and by devolved governments and strengthened regional identities in Scotland and Wales," he said.
"Their heartfelt cry to be heard is often disregarded, wilfully misunderstood or patronised as being backwardly xenophobic."
The Archbishop went on to suggest that one solution could be greater devolution in England.
"What we need is an expansive vision of what it means to be English as part of the United Kingdom," he said.
"It is this that will help us rediscover a national unity more fractured than I have ever known it in my lifetime.
"A first foundation would be a more developed and strengthened regional government within England.
"This would enable Westminster to be the government for the United Kingdom, holding on to those big issues to do with our shared sovereignty, while empowering the separate nations and regions to have powers at the local level to serve their own localities better."
He then suggested that God Save the Queen be sung after regional anthems at matches.
"Then when the different nations of the United Kingdom find themselves pitched against each other on the sports field, we could belt out our English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish anthems. Then sing our national anthem together. And love our neighbour," he said.