Eric Metaxas slams Hillary Clinton's 'career goal' of ending religious liberty

Christian author Eric Metaxas says, ‘If ever there was an enemy of religious liberty in America, it's Hillary Rodham Clinton and every American should be frightened to death on that issue.' (Facebook/Eric Metaxas)

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has claimed that she has been fighting religious freedom for years. During her term as secretary as state, Clinton says she made religious freedom the "cornerstone of our foreign policies."

In contrast, Clinton says her rival, Republican nominee Donald Trump, would "undo centuries of American tradition and values."

However, bestselling Christian author Eric Metaxas thinks Clinton's statements are all a "cynical joke" because her past actions showed that she worked to destroy religious freedom, not uphold it.

"I am stunned at the level of cynicism from Hillary Clinton to make a statement like that. It's ugly," Metaxas told Fox News, according to The Christian Post. "To hear her talk about religious liberty. She is the enemy. If ever there was an enemy of religious liberty in America, it's Hillary Rodham Clinton, and every American should be frightened to death on that issue."

Granted, as Clinton wrote in an op-ed piece, that "Americans don't have to agree on everything."

Still, Metaxas said, this does not justify Clinton's "cavalier" attitude towards people who have traditional faith. He noted that Clinton once said that traditional "religious beliefs" opposing abortion "have to be changed."

"So in America, we always talk about respecting minorities, and that is correct. You don't let the majority overwhelm the minority," Metaxas said. "So, if there are a group of people that have a different view of sexuality, it doesn't matter what that view is, you look at it and you say, 'We need to figure out a way to treat these people respectfully even if we disagree.'"

Metaxas stressed that people have to respect everyone else's side of the issue, but Clinton made it her "career goal" to work with progressive thinkers against those who hold traditional values.

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