Indeed, there is no power greater than the power of Christ.
Evangelist Peter Sewarkiryanga found this out when he traveled to Uganda years back and had an encounter with a witch doctor who lived in one of the most notorious villages in that African country.
"This one particular village and district...had a lot of witchcraft," Peter told CBN News. "Everybody that talked about it, knew that people that lived there were evil people, that people would bewitch and you would die in a short time."
One day, Peter said he had a vision of God telling him to preach the gospel in that particular village.
Knowing that God was with him, Peter bravely went to the village with a mission to share the gospel to the locals.
He proceeded to the house of the village leader and introduced himself. "I'm here to tell people about Jesus," Peter told Enock, the village leader. It turned out that Enock the village leader was also the feared witch doctor, but Peter did not know that yet.
Peter was jolted when he found out that he was talking to the witch doctor. He was even more surprised by the answer Enock gave him.
"Please, can you tell me about the Lord?" the witch doctor asked.
It took Peter less than an hour to explain the gospel to Enock. Suddenly, to the evangelist's further amazement, the feared village witch doctor told him he wanted to give his life to Jesus.
"I said, 'Whoa, this is quick. So....we prayed together," Peter told CBN News.
His wife and daughter later joined Enock in embracing Christ. Peter then started a Bible study in his house, drawing the villagers who later also followed Christ.
"In a period of one year, we had about 35 people who had given their life to the Lord...and on the 25th of December 2008, we held our first service and the church was started there," Peter said.
Today, the church Peter and Enock started is helping fight spiritual darkness in Uganda, according to CBN News.