Alabama megachurch features 12-lane bowling alley, climbing wall, basketball court and more

Faith Chapel Christian Center Facebook

Faith Chapel Christian Center, a megachurch in Birmingham, Alabama, opened an expansive entertainment complex last weekend.

Called "The Bridge," the multi-purpose compound is comprised of six large domes that house a 12-lane bowling alley, basketball court, fitness center, arcade games, and more.

Pastor Dr. Michael D. Moore said that the leisure activities will draw more people to the church.

"We believe we can really meet the needs of the community," he told "It will bridge people from the world to the kingdom.

"People may not want to come to a church, but they'll come to a bowling alley. People have needs other than spiritual needs. There's a need for safe, clean, uplifting, family-oriented entertainment."

The domes also house a teen dance club, an alcohol and smoke-free nightclub for adults, a banquet hall, indoor playground, and a lookout tower. The over 70-feet-tall tower will be awe-inspiring for visitors, Pastor Moore said.

"When people walk in that building, they'll be inspired, they'll be motivated," he said. "I want kids to walk in this facility and dream."

The church is located in the neighborhood of Wylam, which has faced socioeconomic challenges.

"That's the beauty of God," Moore said, "to do something in an area that's depressed."

The massive project was executed debt-free, which Moore called miraculous.

"It's been a challenge," Moore admitted. "Our people are great givers. Tithes and offering has been our only fundraising. It's been a miracle."

The church was also able to construct their domed sanctuary, nicknamed the "Word Dome," for $15 million using only church donations. The second phase of construction for the six dome complex cost $26 million.

Pastor Moore founded Faith Chapel in 1981 with four members, and grew the non-denominational church into a congregation of over 6,400.

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