Ubisoft's upcoming "Far Cry 5" sets users smack middle in modern-day Montana with a doomsday cult on the loose. Between a small-town setting, new companions and"Far Cry's" trademark insane weaponry, fans get to look forward to an exciting gaming experience.
Users play as a sheriff's deputy tasked to get a doomsday cult in control. The on-going war between the US Marshal Service and Hope County's cult leader Joseph Seed has ransacked the town, what with the cult known as The Project at Eden's Gate having forcibly taken control of the area. Joseph, together with his brothers Jacob and John and half-sister Faith, believes that he has been chosen to protect the cult's followers from an imminent government collapse.
On the player's side are three possible allies, whose character sketches have been released as videos: Pastor Jerome, whose church followers have gone over to the cult; Mary May, whose family was "taken" by The Project at Eden's Gate; and Nick Rye, a pilot who wants a better future for his child-to-be.
Speaking on "Far Cry 5"'s us-versus-them and American shooting Americans kind of gameplay, creative director Dan Hay told IGN that the game is not a story that is supposed to teach players anything specific about politics.
"The key for us is to make sure that when we build our world, we populate it with characters that have their own views. And those views compete," he said, adding, "The world is sometimes messy and sometimes bumpy and filled with opinions. And if we do it right, we will build a world that has the same thing."
As for gameplay, "Far Cry 5" allows for semi trucks, sports cars, muscle cars, tractors and planes to be drivable. While Ubisoft has yet to release a final list of animals that will be appearing in the game, it is also safe to assume that players can expect the "Far Cry" series' trademark array of forageable plants and huntable animals.
"Far Cry 5" is up for release on Feb. 27, 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.