'Final Fantasy XV' latest news: 16 DLC trailers released; Game featured in a segment of Conan O'Brien's show

Conan O'Brien and Elijah Wood play "Final Fantasy XV" in a segment in his late show called "Clueless Gamers." YouTube/Team Coco

Fans of the role-playing saga await the release of "Final Fantasy XV" in anticipation. With this in mind, Square Enix are pulling all the stops by increasing hype and excitement for it's latest Final Fantasy title that took ten years perfecting through various downloadable contents.

"Final Fantasy XV" has released 16 trailers showing DLCs available when pre-ordering the game in a variety of ways. Gematsu has compiled a comprehensive list of the contents along with prerequisites on how to get them.

Most of the DLCs are there mainly for aesthetic purposes, such as recoloring Noctis' car. There is no confirmed piece of information regarding some of the weapons available, such as Lightning's Blazefire Saber and Zidane Tribal's Mage Masher.

In other related yet hilarious news, Conan O'Brien recently played "Final Fantasy XV" with guest star Elijah Wood in a segment called "Clueless Gamer" in his late show. The skit was incredibly funny and outrageous. As per Huffington Post, O'Brien and Wood truly lived up to the name of the segment by being clueless to it.

Game expert Aaron Bleyaert was there to explain what the game was about, and when he mentioned it was related to a crystal, O'Brien said, "There is always a crystal, or a ring," referencing to Wood's stint in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. They were laughing at the scenarios where Noctis and the gang were pushing his sophisticated-looking car, only to find out they can simply ride the "chicken," endearingly known as "chocobos" to "Final Fantasy" fans.

The thing that didn't make sense the most to O'Brien was the fact a group of guys would read about a wedding dress in the newspaper or fight a giant tortoise for three straight days. Bleyaert tried defending the gameplay but to no avail. O'Brien only toned down when he discovered that the game's developers were just behind the door, watching him the whole time.

That was simply the theme of the segment, and apparently, the makers of the game got the joke, taking to Twitter and laughing at the matter. Nonetheless, "Final Fantasy XV" appearing on the show adds to the publicity and hype of the game.

"Final Fantasy XV" is set to hit the stores on Nov. 29, 2016.

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