The Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Queens sustained serious damage after a fire tore through the place of worship early Sunday morning.

The fire department got the call at 5:45am. Over a hundred firefighters worked against the blaze and it was under control by 7:39am, according to the New York Post.
Battalion chief James Doherty said parishioners who arrived early for what was supposed to be the church's first Sunday service of 2015 were those who called 911.
"They wanted to come to Mass (on) Sunday morning and now unfortunately, there's no Mass," Doherty said.
Miguel Calle, a congregant of the church, said, "When I got here, all I could see were huge flames coming out of the roof and the fire department was here."
"This was my church all my life," Calle added. "I've been part of the ministry for 22 years. It's like coming back to your home and it's on fire and there's nothing to do about it. This church is part of my heart."
Like his congregation, Rev Thomas Healy felt devastated.
"I'm in shock. I'm in shock," said the priest.
"Look at these people. They're wonderful people. This is their home. We're an immigrant parish. They have nothing, but they have the church, they have Jesus, they have the mother of Jesus, our lady, and this is their home. This is my home. I'm here 24 years."
The fire apparently started in a balcony near the church organ, but the cause is still under investigation.
About 11,000 to 12,000 people regularly attend the Our Lady of Sorrows, located on 37th Avenue in the Corona section of Queens, for eight services each Sunday.
While many broke down in tears over the fire, many are now resolved to see the building restored.
"We will rebuild," Calle vowed. "Maybe not this month, but we will rebuild."