Real life couple, Chip and Joanna Gaines, of the reality television show "Fixer Upper" have gracefully disproved the divorce rumors surrounding them. Chip has even taken the initiative to enlighten both the media and audiences on how he has maintained a loving and healthy relationship with his wife.
According to Inquisitr, Joanna and Chip are constantly being tailed by divorce rumors, which is the same thing that happened with Tarek and Christina El Moussa before their actual legal separation. However, the stars of "Fixed Upper" took these issues public and expressed just how their relationship works.
Chip revealed in an exclusive interview with Country Living that the most important element in his marriage with Joanna is trust. He has learned to trust his wife through every major life-changing decision, both in business and enterprise. More importantly, Chris believed that his similarities and differences with his wife ultimately complement each other, making them a strong family unit.
"I could rattle off at least ninety things that she's the best at and that I've learned from her, but honestly trust, above all else, is the key," added Chip. Somewhere in between establishing these solid foundations of trust, a lot of life lessons were learned by both.
The two have been married since 2003, making this year their 14th year together as a married couple. Fox News stated that Chip not only draws his passion and inspiration from his beloved wife, but from his children as well. He described his 12-year-old first born, Drake, as a "forward-thinking" potential innovator; while his second child, Ella, is imaginative like Joanna.
The couple have received praise from the public since they have aided some of the victims of typhoon Harvey — wherein they sold shirts with the print, "Texas Forever." All of the profits were given to the victims of the devastating typhoon.