A Northumbria church is kickstarting its renovation appeal in a riot of colour with a flower festival.
St Edwin's Church in High Consicliffe, near Darlington, launched the flower festival on Thursday night in the presence of the Mayor of Darlington, Councillor Charles Johnson, and Mayoress Mrs Carol Johnson.
During the opening, Priest in Charge of St Edwin, the Reverend Canon John Dobson, launched the "Vision for the Future" appeal aiming to raise £65,000 to make the building more welcoming and suitable for community use.
The church has pledged £10,000 towards the appeal and a £10,000 grant has been secured from an external body.
The flower festival celebrates St Edwin's from the past to the present and draws attention to the fact that St Edwin was the first Christian King of Northumbria.
The floral displays include one of the spectacular battle scene in which Edwin became king in this region.
The displays have been created by members of Darlington Flower Club and the children of High Coniscliffe School, who will also sing during the Festival Service in St Edwin's on Sunday.
The flower festival runs from 10am to 6pm this Friday, June 28 and Saturday, June 29, and noon to 5pm on Sunday, June 30. Entry is £3 and refreshments are available.