Parent, preacher and book author Francis Chan gave some advice to parents in the church – bring your children up to have Christ first and foremost in their affections.
Chan was recently featured in Episode 504 of Ask Pastor John, titled "The Christ-Centered Family," where he spoke about his views on bringing up a family and his latest book, You and Me Forever.
He issued a challenge to parents when it comes to who they want their kids to love more.
"One of the things I think that I mention in the book is like, what are you after? Do you want them to love you more than you want them to love Jesus?" Chan said in the interview. "Obviously I want both but if I'm going to choose one or the other, it's always going to be Jesus."
Chan also said that parenting should not only focus on the child's well-being, but also on their relationship with Christ. "It's not just about their current happiness and my time with the Lord isn't just so that we can have a happy family because honestly if my connection with the Lord made our family dynamics more difficult or trying, it would still be worth it."
The bestselling book author and father of six children also stated that it would be "unbearable" for him if his children left home with no love for Christ.
"Once my kids move out [and would say] we had a tough family... Of course that would break my heart but I could deal with that. What would be unbearable is if they didn't love Jesus," he revealed in the interview.
Chan also had something to say about what he thinks is lacking in today's marriage and parenting – a focus on the things that are beyond this life.
"Sometimes couples can get so wrapped up on things [on Earth] to where they're not focused on the kingdom," the pastor explained to the listeners of Ask Pastor John.
Francis and Lisa Chan wrote their free book, "You and Me Forever," as a team. The book was released on August 2014.