Franklin Graham: America needs spiritual healing, not more gun laws

Franklin Graham is urging President Barack Obama to 'pass laws against the poisoning of the minds of our young people' so that the tragic Charleston shooting will not happen again.

American evangelist Franklin Graham is one of the many Christians who have condemned the tragic Charleston church shooting that claimed the lives of nine individuals.

At the same time, Graham is urging President Barack Obama to take more action to do something about the country's moral and spiritual decline rather than just create more gun laws.

"President Obama's answer to the tragic shooting of nine people in Charleston, SC, is to have more gun laws. With all due respect Mr. President, all of the laws in the world can't change the human heart—only God can do that," he wrote on his Facebook page. "Our nation needs a spiritual healing—we have turned our back on God and His laws."

Graham is blaming Hollywood for "glorifying" gun violence on television, in movies, and in the video gaming industry, and sadly, he said, this plays a huge part in the culture of gun violence today. "If you want more laws, why don't you ask Congress to pass laws against the poisoning of the minds of our young people by this godless industry?" he asked Obama.

Another area of concern that is weighing down on America's moral compass, according to Graham, is the legalisation of same-sex marriage, which the evangelist strongly believes should not be allowed.

"God Himself has given us the institution of marriage—defined in His Word as between one man and one woman. In the next few days the US Supreme Court will be issuing their decision as it relates to same-sex marriage. Please pray that God will touch the hearts of these justices and that they will rule in accordance with His standards," he said.

Graham urged fellow Christians to pray for Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Justice Samuel Alito, Justice Stephen Breyer, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Anthony Kennedy, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Antonin Scalia, and Justice Sonia Sotomayor so that they will make the right decision when the time finally comes.

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