Rev. Franklin Graham is upset with former United States Air Force officer Mikey Weinstein, who is now leading the non-profit civil rights organisation called Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), after he kept retired Lt. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin from speaking at a June 6 prayer breakfast event. That prayer breakfast is part of the Victory Week celebration at Fort Riley, Kansas.
When "anti-Christian bully" Weinstein got word that Boykin would be leading it, he "put up a stink" so Boykin would be "disinvited" from speaking, Graham says.
"He called Boykin, who is one of the original members of our country's famed Delta Force and a national hero, all kinds of names — 'homophobic, Islamophobic, fundamentalist Christian extremist," Graham writes on his Facebook page. "As a result, the military base canceled the prayer breakfast and said they would pursue a different speaker and reschedule 'in an effort to ensure everyone in our broad and very diverse community feels welcome at any event on Fort Riley.'"
Graham says Weinstein's actions are "sickening," adding that he cannot believe people listened to his complaints. "It is unbelievable that our country has fallen to this point and that Christianity is the only thing it's okay to be intolerant of and discriminate against. Excuse me, General Boykin's first amendment rights still exist, and so do those of everyone who wants to hear him speak," says Graham.
Meanwhile, Graham is happy that 12 states are planning to sue the Obama administration after the President insisted on implementing the transgender policy in schools and have students use bathrooms and locker rooms of the gender they identify with rather than their biological sex, meaning boys can enter and use the bathroom for girls.
"We need more politicians and leaders like these who will take a stand against the dangerous riptide of political correctness in this country," says Graham. He adds that people need to protect their family's privacy and stand up against policies that allow sexual predators inside women's and girls' locker rooms and bathrooms.