Rev. Franklin Graham has condemned the recent Orlando gay bar shooting as a "senseless" act of terrorism, saying that he is praying for the many victims and their family members.
"Life is precious, and we only have one chance to live our lives here on this earth," the evangelist writes on his Facebook page.
The attack was carried out by 29-year-old Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people and wounded 53 others at Pulse nightclub early Sunday morning, according to reports. Mateen reportedly had a mean streak since he constantly talked about killing people, beating his former wife, and airing his hatred of minorities, gays and Jews.
Graham says he appreciates U.S. President Obama's message to the nation in the wake of the massacre, adding that the U.S. president was "right in saying that this tragic shooting was an act of terror and hate."
"But why didn't he say it was an act of radical Islamic terrorism? Mr. President, with all due respect, don't forget Fort Hood; don't forget the Boston Marathon; don't forget San Bernardino; and don't forget 9/11," says Graham. "What do they all have in common? They were all [done by] Islamic terrorists carrying out their treachery in the name of their religion."
Graham says the Obama administration has cut the U.S. military "to the bone." Many experts have warned that America is now at its weakest point in its history.
"It's time we were rebuilding our military force worldwide to take on this enemy. It's time we tighten America's borders until we can clearly vet those we're letting into the country," Graham says. "Mr. President, how many more American lives have to be lost before you understand the threat radical Islam is to every freedom-loving person?"