Franklin Graham denounces teaching of song that promotes Islam in California school

Franklin Graham advises parents that they better be on guard for the minds and hearts of their children. (Facebook/Franklin Graham)

Reverend Franklin Graham understands why parents whose children attend a public school in Huntington Beach, California, got very upset recently.

Graham cited a report on Fox News about a class of seventh graders who were asked to memorise a song that promotes Islam, whose lyrics were written by their teacher. "Like a sandstorm/on the desert/sending camels/into motion," the lyrics read. "Like how a single faith/can make a heart open/They might only have one god/But they can make an explosion."

And that's not even the worse part, according to the evangelist. "To top it off, the song was to the tune of 'This is My Fight Song!' What was this teacher thinking?!" Graham writes on his Facebook page. "One parent said that her son brought home a notebook that included a stick-figure man saying, 'Believe in Allah! There is no other god.'"

Billy Graham's son said parents should now be on guard for the minds and hearts of their children, given what they are being taught in school. "Watch what they're watching, be involved in their schools and friends. Most importantly — tell them about the one true God who loves them so much that 'He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life' (John 3:16)," he advises.

Graham says if Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, were alive today he might be shocked and dismayed how America has turned out. During his Gettysburg Address, Lincoln stressed that America is a "nation under God," but with everything that is happening nowadays, nothing seems further from the truth.

"If Lincoln were here today do you think he would be shocked that many don't want to be a nation under God? Do you think he would be surprised that our religious freedoms were being trampled in the way that they are? Do you think he would be astounded that our country seems on a rampage to take God out of everything? I do," he says.

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