Rev. Franklin Graham cannot understand why a transgender 5th grade teacher in Oregon was awarded $60,000 by the school district after she complained of being harassed and "misgendered" by her colleagues.
The teacher got upset because her co-workers reportedly kept addressing her as "she," "lady," and "Miss Soell" even though she identifies herself as a "he." She also complained that she was kept from using gender-neutral bathrooms despite the fact that the school already held an hour-long training session on transgender issues.
"Misgendered?" Graham asks on his Facebook page. The evangelist says the investigation conducted by school officials regarding the transgender teacher's claims did not even yield any evidence of wrongdoing.
Still, that did not stop certain school officials from taking the transgender teacher's side. She was awarded $60,000 to compensate for "emotional damages." District officials also promised to create gender-neutral bathrooms in all local schools to make other transgenders feel safe and welcome.
School principal Heidi Lasher sent an email to the entire school staff, informing them of the new policy that requires them to "address transgender or gender non-conforming employees with their correct names and pronouns."
The email also includes a threat: "If you are found to be in violation of these policies, you will be subject to discipline to and including dismissal."
"That's incredible!" says Graham. "Use 'correct' pronouns? Doesn't a person's DNA or birth certificate count for anything? Shouldn't fact override fantasy? God created people male and female."
Graham knows Christians face a difficult challenge standing up to the truth, but he is encouraging God's children to be loyal to their faith and values even though they will be "criticised, mocked, and labeled intolerant" for doing so.
"I want to call on every Christian and every pastor to stand firm...and not bow to the secular, increasingly godless culture in which we live," he says.