Franklin Graham gives another good reason why Iran nuke deal shouldn't push through

With Iran's religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei openly calling America 'the Great Satan,' Reverend Franklin Graham wonders why President Barack Obama isn't pulling the plug on the Iran nuke deal. (BGEA)

Reverend Franklin Graham isn't in favour of President Barack Obama's controversial nuclear deal with Iran, and this time, the American evangelist has provided another good reason why the deal should not push through.

"Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei isn't hiding his true feelings about America, Israel, or the nuclear deal in the hands of Congress right now," he wrote on his Facebook page. "This week in meetings about the deal, he arrogantly declared that Israel wouldn't even exist in 25 years! How blatant can you get? He also says that the US is the Great Satan."

Since America has just recalled the 9/11 tragedy and honoured the many lives that were lost that day, Graham finds it very hard to believe that the current administration is even considering a nuclear deal with the country many have been saying is "the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism."

"They have been designated as a sponsor of terrorism by our own State Department since 1984!" Graham said. He repeated the words shared by Senator Joe Manchin: "I cannot in good conscience agree to Iran receiving up to $100 billion in funds that everyone knows will be used, at least in some part, to continue funding terrorism and further destabilise the Middle East."

Graham said he can't believe why President Obama and some members of Congress are "so blind to the truth" as they persist in supporting the deal. "Making a deal with Iran is like making a deal with the devil," he warned.

People are worried that with Iran receiving more money out of the nuclear deal, they will be using it to fund Shiite Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon and further support their allies in the Yemeni civil war, among many other things.

What's depressing is that Obama is not even negotiating for the release of four American prisoners in Iran, one of which is Pastor Saeed Abedini, who committed no crime save for helping out an orphanage.

But Ed Rogers wrote in his blog for the Washington Post that America will still be getting people out of the deal—but it's not what Americans are expecting.

"I expect we will see tens of thousands more refugees as a result of the Iran nuclear agreement, and before it is all over, we will get our fair share of refugees entering the United States," he wrote. "Every member of Congress and every Democratic candidate who supports the Iran nuclear agreement should bear some of the political responsibility for not only making jaw-dropping, inconceivable accommodations to Iran, but for all the as-yet-unknown consequences of that deal."

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