Rev. Franklin Graham says although Osama bin Laden's death five years ago was "a major turning point" in America's fight against terror, it did not end the war on terror.
Even as he praises the U.S. military, intelligence forces, and Navy SEALs for carrying out the raid in Pakistan that resulted in the death of Al-Qaeda's terrorist leader, Graham says, "we're still in a battle."
"Islam is a real threat to freedom—to all those who love liberty," he writes on his Facebook page. "Islam isn't just a threat to Christians, but it's a threat to Jews, to Hindus, to anyone—anywhere—who is a nonbeliever in their god."
Graham mentions the killing of Canadian hostage John Ridsdel, who was recently beheaded by the Islamic militant group Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines. The perpetrators of the "heinous act" placed Ridsdel's head inside a plastic bag and dumped it in the town of Jolo.
"This Islamist group has a 25-year history of kidnappings, bombings, and violence," he notes.
That was just one of the many recent atrocities committed by Islamic militants worldwide. "On Saturday the BBC reported that a Hindu tailor in Tangail, Bangladesh, was hacked to death outside his shop in the latest of a number of Islamist killings there," shares Graham.
When Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) head John O. Brennan said on Sunday that authorities need to remain vigilant on destroying all elements of ISIS, Graham cannot help but agree. "He's right," he says. "And as a nation we should not lose focus on the dangers of Islam."
Earlier, Graham reminded his social media followers that they must always put on God's armour in order to wrestle "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."