Reverend Franklin Graham is giving his all-out support to Rowan, Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis who defied the justice system in America in refusing to issue marriage certificates to same-sex couples based on her religious beliefs. As a result, a judge found her in contempt and sent her to jail without bail.
"To issue a marriage license which conflicts with God's definition of marriage, with my name affixed to the certificate, would violate my conscience...For me it is a decision of obedience...It's a matter of religious liberty," Davis said during a district court hearing late last week.
Davis undoubtedly made a tough decision in defying the law. Moreover, by refusing to issue the marriage certificates to gay couples, she earned the ire not only of the LGBTQ community, but also those who support them. In fact, Davis has revealed that she has been receiving death threats from people she does not even know.
"This ripple effect is exactly what we feared would result from the Supreme Court's disastrous ruling in June," Graham wrote on his Facebook page. "As Americans, our constitution guarantees religious freedom which means we should be able to live out our faith in our daily lives."
Graham continued: "Mike Huckabee called this 'the criminalization of Christianity.' As Kim fights this battle, she is really fighting for religious freedom for all of us."
Graham is both thankful and proud that there are still some Americans like Davis who are bravely standing up against "the evil being forced on us." And now that their religious rights and freedoms are being trampled on, he believes more than ever that Christians need to pool together and pray for Davis and many others like her.
"Let's continue to pray for her, and that Judge David L. Bunning will have a change of heart," he said. "We need more Americans who are willing to take a stand for religious freedoms and biblical values in our communities. If we don't, we won't even recognise the America that our children and our grandchildren will be left with."