Reverend Franklin Graham is seriously concerned by the persecution faced by Christians in the Middle East, and he believes it's time America's political leaders acknowledge the dangers posed by radical Islam.
"Mass murder, crucifixions, beheadings, enslavement, rape, destruction of churches, theft of lands and wealth, and forcible conversion to Islam — all are horrors that Christians in the Middle East are experiencing," he writes on his Facebook page. "I join leaders who are urging Secretary of State John Kerry to include Christians in the State Department's classification of genocide in the Middle East."
According to Graham, President Barack Obama is preparing to declare the "atrocities" of the Islamic State committed against the Yazidi people in Iraq as genocide, but Obama refuses to include Christians in the religious minorities affected.
"He needs to check again," suggests Graham. "According to recent estimates, the Christian population in Iraq alone has dropped to roughly only 260,000 — down from 1.5 million just a decade ago. ISIS doesn't want to co-exist with Christians — it wants to eliminate them! This is genocide against Christians, and their lives do matter."
Graham wants people to pray for Christians who are now trying to survive the genocide. He is also praying that "God would open the eyes of President Obama and this administration to the absolute evil that lies within Islam."
Just recently, the locals in San Bernardino, California faced two assailants who had ties with the Islamic State. The couple fired guns at civilians, killing 14 individuals and injuring many more in the process. Graham cannot help but shake his head when Obama and his administration tried to blame the incident on gun control since it was clearly "caused by hate-filled hearts intent on killing infidels in the name of Islam."
"Take away the guns and this couple would've still slaughtered innocent civilians. Their apartment was a bomb-making factory!" he notes. "It's happened in France and it's happening here. ISIS has warned us that more attacks like this are going to follow. Next time it could be a mall or a school, but until our politicians understand and admit the threat of radical Islam we're going to have more of these horrible acts of violence."