The evangelical community has been once again shaken after Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore was accused by several women of sexual misconduct.
Eight women have come forward and told The Washington Post that Moore, now 70, initiated sexual advances against them. One woman even claimed she was only 14 years old when Moore sexually harassed her.
Despite all the allegations, Moore has remained firm in his denial. He said the accusations were politically motivated, given his bid for the Senate. "I believe tampering has occurred," Moore wrote on Twitter. "Are we at a stage in American politics in which false allegations can overcome a public record of 40 years, stampede the media and politicians to condemn an innocent man and potentially impact the outcome of an election of national importance?"
"I adamantly deny the allegations of Leigh Corfman and Beverly Nelson, did not date underage girls and have taken steps to begin a civil action for defamation. Because of that, at the direction of counsel, I cannot comment further," he continued.
Several pastors and religious leaders have weighed in on the accusations, and this time, evangelist Franklin Graham did the same thing on Facebook. At this point, it's Moore's word against the women's, so Graham refuses to pass judgment. "Roy Moore has been in the news continually for the last several weeks with a number of accusations that would be troubling if they are true," he said.
Whatever the case, Graham is praying that the truth will prevail. "I met Roy Moore when I was in Alabama last year, and I talked to him a few days ago from Norway and asked him if these allegations were true. He said absolutely not. You can read his detailed response for yourself. My prayer is that the truth will ultimately be revealed and lies will be seen for what they are," he said.