With so many marriages leading to divorce nowadays, it's extremely refreshing to find couples who are able to let their love withstand the test of time and age and thrive in their marriages.
Rev. Franklin Graham is very happy that his parents Billy and Ruth Graham enjoyed just that in their marriage. On August 13, Franklin celebrated what would have been his parents' 73rd wedding anniversary.
"They celebrated lots of wonderful anniversaries together before my mother passed away. My father Billy Graham said about their marriage, 'It gets better as you get older. The secret is the Lord Jesus Christ — to have Him in the centre of our lives. We were called by God as a team,'" Franklin writes on his Facebook page.
And with God steering Billy and Ruth's marriage, Franklin says his parents were able to love and accept each other without letting the enemy interfere and plague their marriage with sin.
"As they grew older it was obvious that my parents were more in love than ever by the way they teased each other and by the way their eyes lit up when they were together. He still misses her every day and looks forward to seeing her again one day. It wasn't perfect — but I do think they had a marriage made in heaven," Franklin says.
With such good examples to look up to and follow, it does not come as any surprise how Franklin thrived in his own marriage as well. On Sunday, the evangelist also shared a nice photo of himself together with his wife as they celebrated another milestone.
"Today my wife Jane and I have been married 42 years. Four wonderful children and 11 grandchildren later, we are still in love. Happy anniversary Jane!" he writes.