Rev. Franklin Graham has been lashing at U.S. President Barack Obama for his apparent preference for the Muslim faith over Christianity as well as his support for same-sex marriage.
This time, Graham is taking Obama to task for his decision to release Islamic terrorist convict Ibrahim al-Qosi from Guantanamo.
"President Obama's terrorist catch-and-release policy is unreal!" Graham writes on his Facebook page. "It's just a shame that our military are risking their lives — and giving their lives — to put these Islamic terrorists out of business and behind bars, only to have them put right back out there to do more damage."
Graham says Al-Qosi, who was captured in Afghanistan, is known as a strong supporter of slain terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden.
"But, guess what, he was released early from Guantanamo by Obama and has now resurfaced as a top al-Qaeda leader, releasing an audio tape calling for jihad in Africa. This shouldn't surprise us. Terrorists like this shouldn't be released," Graham says.
Thousands of people also shared their rants against Obama in the post's comment section, with some calling Obama a "traitor" and an "idiot" who does not truly love and respect his country.
"Obama is not what he projects to be. He has another agenda. Chaos—so people will not look to what he is doing. He believes the end justifies the means. The more chaos, the more people will focus on that and not on what he is doing secretly to move us towards a socialist republic," Kristin Schelske-Moening writes.
Audrey Griffith writes, "What is WRONG with Obama? Has he lost his brain? Can't the stuff he [is] doing be stopped? OH DUH!! Guess not, or he couldn't have released all those prisoners. Does Obama hate AMERICA that bad [ly]?"
Other people noted that Obama's actions only prove that the end of days is drawing near since the U.S. president is "supplying replacements for ISIS."