When he was just a young boy, Reverend Franklin Graham recalled that a copy of God's Ten Commandments was posted in the classroom and his teacher led them in reciting the Lord's Prayer right before they had lunch.
"There was respect throughout society for the Word of God then. How times have changed! Today, everything related to God and His Word is coming under fire in our nation," he wrote on his Facebook page.
Graham noted that the Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that the six-foot-tall Ten Commandments monument on the capitol grounds must be removed. Governor Mary Fallin is opposing the ruling and is seeking other legal options to keep the monument there. Graham said he is sincerely hoping that she finds some.
"We're living in a time when our country is not only blatantly defying God's laws, but is trying to remove them completely from public view. Just think what a difference it would make if our school children today learned about the Ten Commandments and the God who wrote them," he said.
The monument was paid for with private money and was installed back in 2012.
Another area of Graham's concern is the string of tragic church burnings across the South in the past few days. He said some of the burnings have been attributed to arson and suspected hate crimes.
In response, he has sent teams from Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to the affected churches to provide help if needed.
"I'm sure these congregations are in shock, and we would like to help the pastors get back into their pulpits," he said. "Pray for them and everyone affected."