Reverend Franklin Graham will not be helping the Girl Scouts of America this year by purchasing their cookies, and he has a very good reason for doing this: He found out that the organisation is now condoning homosexuality and same-sex marriage.
"The Girl Scouts organisation sure isn't what it used to be," Graham shares on his Facebook page. "St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson isn't worried about being politically correct in letting people know about it either. He told church members and scout leaders that the Girl Scouts is wrong in their support of transgender rights and homosexuality and is not aligned with the teachings of his church."
Both Graham and the archdiocese were upset when they found out that a Girl Scout troop in Utah was formed specifically to reach out to transgendered youth. The Girl Scouts also celebrated the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage last year, and expressed their happiness about it on their Instagram and Twitter accounts.
"Archbishop Carlson is exactly right — the 'ways of the world' are incompatible with biblical values," says Graham. "More church leaders need his boldness in speaking the truths that set those who follow God's Word apart from the rest of the world."
Last year, Graham expressed his discontent over the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) since the organisation allowed gay adult leaders to handle their troops.
"More disappointing news about the BSA as they voted to allow gay adult leaders. Seventy-nine percent of their Board voted in favour of this unfathomable change — I still find it hard to believe that BSA doesn't see the dangers in this," said Graham then.
He said people should instead follow the example of Trail Life USA, whose main focus on adult leadership is "turning boys into godly men."
"They teach biblical, moral values in their programs. There's a great need for this in our culture today — may God bless their work," he said.