Rev. Franklin Graham is very concerned that the United States might suffer the same fate that befell Babylon since its people have resorted to worshipping false gods, just like what Babylon's people did.
"2,500 years ago Iraq was in the 'headlines,'" writes Graham on his Facebook page. "It was known as the Babylonian empire and had the largest military in the world at that time. Its king, Belshazzar, was having a big party drinking and boasting with his wives, his mistresses, and his nobles. While they were partying, the hand of God appeared and wrote a message on the wall, terrifying everyone including King Belshazzar."
Belshazzar was so terrified by what happened that he called in Daniel to interpret the writings on the wall. Daniel then explained that "Mene" means that God has numbered Belshazzar's days of reign and will bring it to an end. "Tekel" means that Belshazzar has been judged and found wanting, while "Peres" means that his kingdom is divided and will be given to the Medes and Persians.
Daniel warned Belshazzar that he is guilty of worshiping false gods. He told the king, "You did not honour the God who holds in his hand your life."
God wasted no time in carrying out his warning because that same night, Belshazzar was slain and his kingdom was lost to his enemies.
"What's the writing on the wall for America?" asks Graham. "As a nation we are found lacking because of sin and disobedience to God's Holy Word. We have not honoured Him. If we don't turn back to God, I fear that our end will be near."
Meanwhile, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, the bestselling author of "The Harbinger" and "The Mystery of the Shemitah," tells WND that Graham is now talking about the themes he has been discussing for several years already.
"Sin leads to judgment," says Cahn. "This law touches not only individuals, but nations and civilisations. To whom much is given, much is required. A nation that has been especially favored with God's blessings and the revelation of the Word is much more accountable concerning judgment. This applies to America."