The live-action film adaptation of Arakawa Hiromu's "Fullmetal Alchemist" will be screening at the Tokyo International Film Festival on Oct. 25. On-set photos and promotional stills of the movie were revealed through the media news website Natalie in line with this event.
On-set photos of Envy and Lust were revealed, getting fans hyped up for the upcoming movie. Promotional stills showed General Haruko in an office looking at a map. Maes Hughes and Riza Hawkeye appears in a promotional poster with Roy Mustang. While there are a couple of photos of the CGI Alphonse, there is one promotional poster where the younger brother of Ed is seen with Winry. A third promotional poster includes the movie's bad guys — Lust, Envy and Gluttony. A homage to the anime and the manga appeared in one of the movie stills showing the young Ed and Alphonse in the room where their story started.
Directed by Sori Fumihiko, the live action "Fullmetal Alchemist" will be starring Yamada Ryosuke for the role of Edward Elric, Honda Tsubasa as Winrey Rockbell and Fujioka Dean as Roy Mustang.
However, the original anime director, Mizushima Seiji, said in an interview with Anime News Network that having an all-Japanese cast was not a good idea for the live-action film. Since the recent Western adaptations of the hit anime series like "Ghost in the Shell" and "Death Note" were getting tons of negative reviews from fans and non-fans alike, Mizushiama feared the same will happen to "Fullmetal Alchemist." Mizushima still hopes that the live-action movie will be a success.
The story of the entire manga will be told in this single film. Fans of the anime will see the 20-year old version of Ed; his brother Alphonse will be CG almost all throughout the movie.
A special edition comic drawn by Arakawa will be given away on the screening day. The live-action movie will have a full opening on Dec. 1.