"Game of Thrones" fans can expect Cersei (Lena Headey) to be back to her old self as it was reported that Headey was seen filming some scenes for the upcoming sixth season of the HBO series. According to the Independent, the actress was seen along with the cast and crew while filming at Dubrovnik.
When viewers last saw Cersei Lannister, she had just finished doing the Walk of Atonement and reached the castle naked, bloodied, her head shaven, and entirely humiliated. In the photos shared by The Independent, Cersei's hair appears to have grown back, although it's still quite short. She is clad in a burgundy gown and seen standing at the spot where Myrcella was sent off to Dorne, and the website notes that Cersei looks as if she's wondering what happened to her daughter.
Back in the season five finale, Myrcella was poisoned by the Sand Snakes before she got on the boat with Jaime for her journey back home. As Jaime was telling her that he is her father, Myrcella appeared to have succumbed to the effects of the poison, though it is unclear at the moment whether she is really dead or whether she'll be back in season 6.
One character rumored to have come back from the dead is Shae (Sibel Kekilli), Tyrion's lover whom he strangled after she betrayed him during his trial. Express.co reports that Kekilli was seen on the "Game of Thrones" set in Peniscola, Spain, alongside Conleth Hill, who plays Varys.
Twitter user Direwolf_Dragon, who is based in Peniscola, tweeted several pictures which show Kekilli talking to David Benioff and Hill. While some speculated that the actress may just be visiting the set, the fan posted on Oct. 6, "Just to confirm Sibel Kekilli is in the exclusive cast hotel so I doubt she is just visiting." The Twitter user speculated that the actress may have been brought back to film a few flashback scenes.
"Game of Thrones" season 6 is expected to premiere in April 2016.